If you’re new to The Antagonist membership, or if you’re just looking to invest more, you may be wondering, “Which stocks should I invest in now?”

Since everyone has unique goals, risk tolerances, and needs, I can’t provide a one-size-fits-all answer. I can, however, highlight some areas and positions that would be my top picks if I were starting right now. I’ll also provide links to the articles where I originally recommended the positions so that you can read the reasons behind them.

My top pick(s): uranium

If I could only choose one Blend Portfolio area to invest in now, it would be uranium. We added our first uranium holding at the end of June. In less than 10 months, that position has soared 72%.

The uranium industry started to cool off at the end of January, but I see this as a buy-the-dip opportunity. The current and forecasted supply-demand deficit is simply too big to ignore, and I believe we’re still in the early stages of a multi-year bull run.

If you don’t hold any uranium positions, I encourage you to read the articles that I’ve written on the industry and individual companies. Simply type “uranium” into the search field on the Antagonist home page to quickly filter for these.

If you’re an Antagonist premium member, it’s even easier. Just go to the dashboard and click the links in the position listing. Our uranium holdings range from the resource itself to ETFs to large and small companies.

Gold’s time has arrived

Gold is another commodity that I’ve written extensively about. The combination of inflation and reckless government debt has created substantial demand for the metal.

That demand isn’t just from investors either. Central banks around the world have accumulated gold at a pace not seen since 1967. Amazingly, it’s even become less volatile than U.S. treasuries.

With gold recently closing the quarter at record levels, there’s a good chance that we’re at the beginning of a secular bull run too.

Chart showing the breakout in gold prices. This helps answer the question: which stocks should I invest in now? Gold is one answer you should consider.
Source: Tavi Costa

As bullish as I am on the metal, I think gold miners are an even better play. They are still undervalued even as gold has rallied over the last several weeks.

That’s starting to change, however. The gold company that we added at the end of December has gained 17% over the last month alone. Even after this stellar rally, it’s still a “buy” along with the other gold positions in our Blend Portfolio.

The red metal

Our second-best performer is a copper companyIt’s gained 82% since we added it less than 11 months ago.

Copper is another commodity that will benefit from a massive supply/demand imbalance. The red metal is necessary for everything from green tech to the internet of things (IOT), and cloud computing.

To read about the profit potential in copper and to gain access to the 3 copper stocks in the Blend Portfolio, check out this article.

Non-commodity pick

If you’re looking for more traditional (i.e. non-commodity) stocks, consider the ETF we purchased a year ago.

It’s similar to the S&P 500 index except that it’s weighted by business fundamentals instead of market cap. Similar investing strategies have been shown to outperform the S&P by 2.5% per year for 30 years!

Also, with the stock market as top-heavy as it is now, this ETF gives you downside protection without sacrificing potential gains.

Don’t ignore the other positions

While the above 4 areas would be my top picks for new money, I’m definitely not saying that you should avoid the rest of the positions in our portfolio. I’m also not recommending that you sell the stocks in your portfolio either.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, everyone has unique needs, goals, and risk tolerances. It’s essential that you perform your own due diligence.

For other ideas on how to answer the question, “Which stocks should I invest in now?”, check out the holdings in our Blend Portfolio. If you’re not yet a premium member, you can get a free trial through the link below. Cancel any time.

This article is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not financial advice in any way. Read the full disclaimer for more details.

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